Fine Food and Dining

Private Catering

Unrivaled dining experience in the comfort of your chosen venue.

Emerald bites is commited to provide personalised dining experience across Ireland. Take the stress out of your event and leave the food catering to us.We manage private catering events of all sizes and budget. Get in touch with us and we will provide a personalised menu for your event.


Catering in your chosen venue.


Our Approach

At Emerald Bites, we understand that every event is unique, and that's why we offer a personalized approach to catering. Whether you're hosting an intimate dinner party, a corporate event, a wedding reception, or any other special occasion, our team will work closely with you to create a customized menu that reflects your tastes, preferences, and dietary requirements.

Menu Creation

Our menus are meticulously crafted using the finest and freshest seasonal produce sourced locally. From tantalizing appetizers to decadent desserts, each dish is thoughtfully designed to delight your palate and leave a lasting impression on your guests. Whether you prefer classic Irish dishes, international flavors, or a fusion of both, we will tailor the menu to suit your vision and exceed your expectations.

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The ideal setting to enjoy modern Irish cuisine served in a casual setting.

Good Food | Good Wine


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Where Fine Food & Passion Become One

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